So it's been a long time since I last posted! I logged back in here to find I had three drafts going. The first was a vow, to me and all of you, that I would not spend a summer night inside. I was going to spend my free time outdoors. The second draft, from day 119, was official graduation from physiotherapy! I worked long and hard hours to the point where I was able to transition to actual workouts at the gym. The last draft I had saved was from day 201 and titled 'I did something crazy'. I did actually. I registered for three triathlons.
Let me start by saying I accomplished all of the above. I worked hard, overcame pain, fears and nerves, and I actually did what I said I would. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of motivation, and lots of hard work. I've never been someone to go back on my word. So when I set those goals, I stuck to them. The summer of my torn ACL I gained so much weight and became completely inactive apart from my pre-op physio. It was a very difficult time especially since I am usually super active in the summer. When this summer rolled around, me and my new ACL got right to it! I kicked off the season with the Ride for Heart in Toronto, where I rode 25km. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it was plenty for my knee. I also bought a season pass to the local parks in my area and spent the weekends there paddling. I had always told my sister we'd go SUPing, and we finally did! Later in the season I moved on to a few 50km bike rides and lots of shorter ones too.
The final push for me was completing my first triathlons. A few years ago I registered for my first triathlon, but being accident prone, broke my foot only a few weeks before the race. After I tore my ACL I thought I would officially never cross triathlon off my bucket list. BUT I DID! Lots of hours training (and I probably could have trained more), but I did it! They were no podium finishes, but I was there to do it for me, and prove I could finish. I have started planning out my next race season, 2017, with the hopes of also fundraising and raising awareness for those who live with heart disease. On top of having bad knees, I also live with heart disease. It makes working out one of my least favourite things to do. But now that I've been diagnosed and have the proper medicine, it makes it possible for me to get back into the gym.
So one very long post later, I wanted to say that after over a year since my ACL surgery my knee is feeling great and has allowed me to get back to doing all the things I love. I'll keep posting every now and again, but I think this blog will follow my road to finishing an Ironman Triathlon. Let's knock it off the bucket list...
On March 29th, 2015 I tore my ACL and MCL in my right knee while jumping on a trampoline at Skyzone. Yes, it was a poor life decision that lasted all of 5 minutes before I ruined my dominant knee. Although I am no longer a competitive athlete, I decided I wanted the ACL surgery. I did 6 months of pre-op physio to strengthen my leg before going under the knife (and scopes and drills). I had reconstructive surgery for my ACL on October 27th, 2015. This is my rehab to a semi-normal knee.
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