
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Day 139 - Aches and Pains

Day 139, and not really any difference. Sticking to my regimen is hard and I don't have the right equipment at home to do my exercises. I want to start doing my regular workouts, but I am finding it tough.

Today I did my functional training as assigned to me by my PT. I am not quite ready to try running yet, but I did put some jump rope into my exercise today. There was stinging pain where the MCL connects to the shin, at the bottom of my scar. I hopped through the pain though. I will discuss with my PT and my surgeon to see why I still get sharp pain in that area only. The knee cap itself feels fine, but my quad isn't firing very well either.

I've added some ball exercises as well. I now do a bridge into a hamstring curl on the exercise ball. I also do jackknives because I need to build up some core strength. It is extremely week since I haven't done any real exercise until now.

These are the only real updates I have right now.

Until the next post,

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Day 136 - Cleared to run!

So I am officially at 4 months and 13 days post op. This week I worked with my PT and was able to go through my progress and protocol. A lot of my exercises are now focusing on my core and butt muscles which are weak. This includes bridges with my feet on an exercise ball and some other slower movements where the focus is to engage the muscles.

Going through the protocol, she said I could start jump rope again and straight line running. Not both on the same day, and only for a short amount of time. Now I just need to find a treadmill! The pool has definitely been helping my knee (and leg) feel better. It's light impact but works the muscles, so it feels nice and relaxed after my pool sessions. I'm hoping over the next few weeks, I can stick to my daily exercise and start seeing some good results. I can't remember the last time I had a proper workout, and as I approach the one year anniversary of my ACL tear, I am ready to kick it into high gear.

Until the next post,