I have finally progressed to phase II! According to my "ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation Protocol" as provided by my surgeon, I am at Phase II - early rehab.
"May begin when the person can perform 20 SLR's with no greater than 5 degree active extension lag and has a normal gait without crutches or an immobilizer; and 110 flexion (approx 2-6 weeks)"
I am almost at a 0 degree single leg raise. I am now doing these with the TENS unit on my thigh. I think it is definitely helping. Also, whenever I am sitting in bed or anywhere with my leg straight, I put a pillow or something under my heel to work on extension.
In terms of ROM, I can get 110 degrees if I really push hard, and my knee is warmed up. This is something I am also trying to push, working on bending as often as I can throughout the day. I also had my PT push harder at physio, and boy was I in pain! But as they say, no pain, no Vo/Vi. Engineering joke there...Vo/Vi is gain. No pain, no gain. *cough*
Anyways, in terms of Phase II exercises, I have moved on to the wobble board. Mainly just balancing, not rocking at all. Also doing single leg stance. I am also working towards normal gait, so we started an exercise called right foot forward, which is literally just a step forward. The focus is to not lean side to side, but to take a perfectly balanced step forward. Trust me, it's harder than it sounds.
In terms of overall pain, it's still pretty up there. I can't describe how it feels, just super stiff and sore. From the straightening I get sharp pain in the back of the knee, but after bending it a bit that goes away.
Here are some photos of my progress this week.
TENS and straightening
TENS and straightening again.
ROM heel slides
Hamstring work, ROM